Ten Stories We’ve Enjoyed This Week

8th September 2019

‘You can’t escape Amazon in the digital economy. Now a trillion-dollar company, they have disrupted diverse sectors from retail to software development with a deftness and drive that’s admirable and alarming. They actually seem to be speeding up their rate of innovation as they scale, defying the Law of Large Companies that causes giants to get dragged down by their own girth. Want to innovate like Amazon? Here is their formula – Innovation is a function of architecture and organisation, amplified to the power of mechanisms and culture.

It’s a great book, but if you haven’t got time, maybe this will help. Here is Yuval Noah Harari’s Sapiens, as a blog post

Intriguing new tutorial from Masterclass. ‘A fashion and media icon, she has been driving our cultural conversation for more than 30 years. The Vogue Editor-in-Chief and Artistic Director of Condé Nast takes off her signature sunglasses and gives you unprecedented access to her world.’ This is Anna Wintour. How to be a boss.

This came across my radar this week and always worth sharing. David Ogilvy’s 1982 memo “How to Write”, offers 10 pieces of timeless advice. Includng – ‘Never use jargon words like reconceptualize, demassification, attitudinally, and judgmentally. They are hallmarks of a pretentious ass.’ HT to Gill Huber

‘The Becoming Mother Project.’ From My Modern Met. A photographer documents 33 women before and after they became a mum. 

Another cracker from Burger King. The release of “It: Chapter 2”featuring scary clown Pennywise has provided Burger King with yet another opportunity to tease rival McDonald’s, over its association with clowns.

Don’t go getting any ideas now….From Marketoonist – How to unsubscribe from a marketing newsletter.

TFL have partnered with Headspace to help make your journeys more mindful. You can go on mindfulness guided walks with their audio series, which includes strolls between Camden Town and King’s Cross & London Bridge and Waterloo.

..and whilst on a mindfulness tip, I’d like to share news of (friend of the Filter) Street Wisdom’s Worldwide Wander, taking place 20th through 22nd September. I am running an event in Borough Market on Friday 20th. You can read more and sign up here.

This short video is probably not ‘real’ or perhaps a disguised piece of advertising, but in any event worth a watch. This person’s drone battery running out could be the blockbuster movie of the year.